zaterdag 28 november 2009

Brazil 'It's only a state of mind'

Brazil, where hearts were entertained in June,
We stood beneath an amber moon,
And softly murmured 'Some day soon'
We kissed and clung together,
Then, tomorrow was another day.
The morning found me miles away,
With still a million things to say;
Now, when twilight beams the sky above,
Recalling thrills of our love,
There's one thing I'm certain of,
Return, I will,
To old Brazil.

Deze briljante film van Terry Gilliam uit 1985 heeft na veelvuldige kijksessies zijn plaats verdiend in mijn top vijf van favoriete films. Het is een van de weinige films die je telkens opnieuw kan verrassen en verstomd kan doen staan door zijn genialiteit. Een minitieuze dissectie van onze maatschappij vol barokke bombastiek, humor en gruwel... Verplichte kijkvoer dus. Al raad ik wel aan hem meteen twee keer achter elkaar te zien want de eerste keer dat ik hem zag, kon ik er absoluut geen touw aan vastknopen.

In an Orwellian vision of the future, the populace are completely controlled by the state, but technology remains almost as it was in the 1970's. Sam Lowry is a civil servant who one day spots a mistake in one of the pieces of paperwork passing through his office. The mistake leads to the arrest of an entirely innocent man, and although Lowry attempts to correct the error, it just gets bigger and bigger, sucking him in with it.

Sam: My name's Lowry. Sam Lowry. I've been told to report to Mr. Warrenn.
Dawson: Thirtieth floor, sir. You're expected.
Sam: Um... don't you want to search me?
Dawson: No, sir.
Sam: Do you want to see my ID?
Dawson: No need, sir.
Sam: But I could be anybody.
Dawson: No, you couldn't, sir. This is Information Retrieval.


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